Niagara Ostomy Association

Serving the Niagara Ostomy Community since 1974

Get Involved

Join a dedicated, big-hearted group of volunteers and Be a VOICE for people living with an ostomy.  There are many ways to contribute!

Sponsor a Kid to Youth Camp

Help Sponsor a Kid to Youth Camp by donating. Click this link to go to the Ostomy Canada Society Donation page and click fund “Youth Camp.”


Email to express your interest.

Donate surplus ostomy supplies

These much-needed supplies are destined for people in need from countries around the world. To date, 52 countries have been supported by our annual contribution to Friends of Ostomates Worldwide (Canada)’s international program. 

Watch “Giving the Gift of Dignity” for more information.

Due to international shipping requirements, suitable donations are restricted to:

No Liquids Please

If NON-PACKAGED, LOOSE ITEMS are donated, please ensure all items are easily identifiable by:

Join our Board of Directors

The Niagara Ostomy Association is a volunteer, non-profit organization that provides practical help and emotional support to people with ostomies living in the Niagara Region and beyond.

Our board seeks applications from qualified and motivated candidates who are interested in promoting our Mission: To be of service and assistance to all people with ostomies in the Niagara Region.

Collectively, Board members have responsibility for governance and operational matters. We are a “working board.”

Currently available positions:

Desired qualifications:

How to Apply

Email to express your interest.