How to Join Us

You are invited to become a member and share in a caring, knowledgeable group of people with ostomies. We offer a safe space to ask any question about living with an ostomy. Members have a range of experience, from those who are “newbies” to those who have lived with an ostomy for decades. We learn from each other and from the speakers at our membership meetings.

Annual membership runs from Jan 1 to Dec 31. New memberships in Oct, Nov, Dec will include the following calendar year.

Niagara Ostomy Association    $30 

100% of your membership dollars is devoted to serving the Niagara Ostomy Community. Programs include 9 monthly meetings with guest speakers and newsletters; Friendly Visitor Program; “Ask the NSWOC” service; maintaining our webiste and social media; annual Ostomy Health Fair; helping sponsor attendance of a Niagara Youth at Youth Camp; and affiliation with  Ostomy Canada.

For infomation on Ostomy Canada Society or to become an Ostomy Canada Supporter, please visit or call them at 1-888-9698.

Your membership helps to actively support people with ostomies – whether you are new to living with an ostomy, or you have many years of experience. Thank you!  

If payment of dues is a hardship, please email or call 905-321-2799 and leave a confidential message to request waiver of fees.

Payment can be made by either:

E-transfer to   To help us keep records up-to-date, please include your full name, phone number and indicate what the payment is for in the Message Box. Email your completed form to – include the date of your e-transfer.

Cheque payable to Niagara Ostomy Association and mailed to: 

Treasurer, c/o 19 St. Lawrence Drive, St. Catharines, ON  L2M 2T7    

New Members: Please download, print and complete the form below. Either mail your completed form and cheque to Treasurer, c/o 19 St. Lawrence Drive, St. Catharines, ON  L2M 2T7. You can email your completed form to .


NOA appreciates and accepts donations in support of services provided. NOA is a nonprofit association, but is not a registered charity. Therefore, charitable tax receipts are not provided in compliance with Canada Revenue Agency legislation. 

Electronic Funds Transfer (E-Transfer)

Electronic Fund Transfers (EFTs) can be made to .

Please include your full name, phone number and indicate what the payment is for in the message box.



Please mail payments by cheque to:  

Treasurer, c/o 19 St. Lawrence Drive, St. Catharines, ON L2M 2T7

Would you like a visit from a trained visitor?​

If you wish to request a visit by a Trained Visitor please contact us. Your request will be directed to our program coordinator. The coordinator will call you to get information that will help determine which volunteers are best suited to make the visit (e.g. gender, age, type of ostomy). They will also ask you if your spouse or significant other may wish to speak with a volunteer about their concerns.